Artist Statement
In my work I take as starting-point whatever is around me, goes through me, is part of me, and makes me use my five senses ; people, landscapes, simple objects, space, light. I aim to convey the uniqueness of a fleeting moment, or a fleeting movement, and the urgency of giving form to something which can never be repeated. I admire and feel I have an affinity with artists such as Turner, Bonnard, Hollan, and Palézieux in the precise overlap of pictorial ends and painterly means.
Much of my work concerns the human body in its many aspects. Beginning with a live model, a self-portrait, my imagination or any other source, it elicits an immediate and disconcerting identification of the subject with the artist herself, then with the viewer himself or herself. In this triangle subject-painter-viewer it is impossible to know who is controlling the narrative.
My work usually takes shape in the intimate space of the studio, but also finds space to breathe outside it, in counterpoint to that of musicians or dancers.
I use different techniques in turn, each a relay in building up the work : drawing with pencil, charcoal or ink, painting with gouache, acrylic or oils, mainly on paper or canvas. Engraving, mainly monotype, sometimes dry point or carborundum, helps to bring light to drawings or paintings and opens up possibilities afforded by the serial nature of print-making.
In a recent development in my work I have made gallery installations of cut-out drawings suspended in space, reminiscent of puppets, fragments of mobiles or Chinese shadows, in turn transparent or back-lit. These « free figures « as I call them, are of various sizes and are torn, cut out or cut away. They defy space, appearing and disappearing between others, obstructing each other from view, partially hiding themselves.
Viewers are invited to move among them, their shadows mingling with those of the works, their movements and breathing displacing air slightly and causing corresponding movement within the installation itself.
Crédits photos : Pierre Desmazières, Gisèle Donon, Didier Gourbin, Stéfani Debout
© 2020, Cécile Beaupère - Arttalkwrite, tous droits réservés